Car accident cases are among the most common types of cases that personal injury lawyers handle. Although some car crashes may be attributable to inclement weather or auto manufacturing defects, the majority of them are the fault of one or more drivers. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, your personal injury lawyer will evaluate the case to determine the most likely causes of the crash. The cause of the crash plays a vital role in determining liability, which can help you recover damages with a personal injury claim filed in Annapolis.
Distracted drivers are a major threat on the nation’s roadways . Personal injury claims may arise from crashes caused by drivers paying more attention to their cellphones than to the road. Electronic gadgets in vehicles aren’t the only source of distraction. Drivers who gawk at accident sites may end up causing a crash themselves. Drivers can also be distracted by conversing with passengers, eating, grooming, changing the radio station, or checking GPS devices.
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is often overlooked as a major cause of car accidents. In fact, being excessively fatigued can be as dangerous as being impaired by alcohol or drugs. It isn’t necessary to fall asleep at the wheel to cause a crash. A sleep deprived driver has impaired reaction time, poor judgment, and poor attentiveness. These functional impairments can easily lead to a car crash.
Despite the harsh legal penalties for drunk driving and the fact that its many dangers are commonly known, there are still thousands of drivers who drink before getting behind the wheel. Getting drunk impairs one’s judgment, which leads individuals to mistakenly believe that they are fully capable of driving. However, this is no excuse for jeopardizing public safety. Drunk drivers who cause multiple vehicle accidents may face civil lawsuits as well as criminal charges.
Being stuck in traffic isn’t generally a pleasant experience, but most drivers handle these setbacks in a mature fashion. Those who don’t may exhibit aggressive driving behaviors. They may tailgate, speed, or unsafely pass other vehicles—all of which can contribute to crashes.
Disclaimer: This article provides general information about the topics discussed and does not qualify as legal advice. Every case is different and the laws applicable to each case may differ. If you have a legal matter, you should speak to an attorney to get advice on your particular situation.