Most people mistakenly believe that being charged with possession of drug paraphernalia is a minor crime. But as any criminal lawyer knows, this is a serious criminal charge, and you need an experienced drug lawyer in Annapolis to avoid a lifelong criminal record and help to protect your rights.
If you are charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, never plead guilty before talking to a criminal lawyer. Reputable criminal defense firms are familiar with state drug laws and can work with prosecutors to get charges dismissed or reduced. Without a criminal defense attorney, a conviction for possession of paraphernalia can earn you a fine up $500, and worse, a permanent criminal record. If you are a subsequent offender or have been previously convicted of certain similar crimes, you face up to a $2,000 fine and two years in prison. With the help of a criminal defense attorney, you may be able argue that the evidence against you is inadmissible because police did not have a legitimate right to search you, your home, or your car. Talk to an experienced criminal lawyer to find out more about how you can defend against drug paraphernalia charges.